
My chosen way & Strategy.

So I think I have come to a conclusion on the route I am going to take for this project. Having had my eyes and mind opened by the anamorphic typography I came across in research, I really wanted to experiment with that idea and evolve it into poster design, somehow.

Although this is only a very rough sketch it was the image that I had in my head. Set in the context of a gallery, with the slightly more sophisticated and intellectual, but not necessarily old, as my target market audience, I want to transform the Flatland book into an exhibition oh hanging posters.

Each room could contain one whole chapter from the book. And when you walk around each room you read segments of that chapter on the hanging posters. You can walk all around them, emphasizing the nature of the 3rd dimension, and when up close each poster will simply look like type set upon a nice visual. But it is when you get to the end of the room (or at the start...) that your eye is at the right angle and perspective for all the posters to line up and display typographically 'FLATLAND' across your entire eye line. This being the illusion. Obviously this is all still an image in my head, but I am going to research into more elements and styles and try to make it a reality.

The reason I have chosen the context of a Gallery is based on the whole ethos of the novella. It was written in Victorian times and still reads that way throughout, but also without stereotyping or anything, it is a very complex book which is publicly admired by people in the maths, science and computing fields. And so I believe these are the people who are more likely to head to an exhibition and walk through having a read and sipping on some wine! But, as I said, not necessarily just the older generations. I plan on bringing the styling of the book/posters into the modern day and to create something that could visual appeal to all.

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